Old Sled Zone: 1970 Mercury 250
Mercury snowmobiles were the brainchild of Carl Kiekhaefer, maker of the famous Mercury outboard motors
It's sometimes unfathomable the changes that have occurred in the snowmobiling industry since the first sleds came out. Snow machines have evolved from pretty basic models to today's highly specialized units carefully designed for particular terrain and purpose. For many sledders, there is great nostalgia in those early snowmobiles, and older riders have fond memories of family time on sleds when they were young. That evocation of times gone by seems to be, at least in part, why we find the value in vintage snowmobiles and love to see them brought back to good-as-new condition.
Mercury snowmobiles were the brainchild of Carl Kiekhaefer, maker of the famous Mercury outboard motors
Nostalgia for the "good 'ol days" runs deep, even with snowmobilers.
Head to North East Saskatchewan and explore 1,000 miles of diverse snowmobiling terrain across 12 communities
Vintage snowmobiles are interesting, and often the vintage decals plastered on them are equally interesting
By the time the 1970's hit, sleds were starting to become more sophisticated, with special-built engines and improved power and performance.
This week’s Old Sled comes from a recent post by Edson, Alberta's Calvin Robinson, on the enthusiast website Alberta Relic Riders
From the vaults we find a nice little Ski-Doo Elite, spotted at the Cranbrook Vintage Ride and Poker Run in February
John Deere began producing snowmobiles in 1971 - at the time, dealers were excited to have a product to service and sell during the quieter winter months
What has our vintage and classic sled friend, Sid Samek, been up to? Samek gives us an update.
For all the performance features of the Panther 440, the crowning touch has to be the leopard print stripes on the seat
Here's another baby-blue classic Johnson snowmobile—model 21—produced by the Outboard Marine Corporation back in the 1970’s.
Rupp, like many vintage snowmobiles, has a strong legacy in the snowmobile annals of history.
Calvin Robinson has a sweet-looking 1976 Yamaha SRX 340 factory race sled
John Deere machines spent a relatively brief appearance on the competitive snowmobile scene back in late 1970's and early 1980's
The Cranbrook Snowmobile Club held their annual Poker Run and Vintage Ride in February, attracting riders from as far away as Ontario and Saskatchewan.
The Trail-A-Sled marketing slogan was “The only way to LIVE in winter!”
This 1972 Speedway 440 Kohler FA is owned by Alberta Relic Riders’ member Kelly Grant
Congratulations to Jerry Kallal on his award-winning vintage Ski Doo Blizzard
The Arctic Cat Trail Cat was considered a workhorse in the Arctic Cat lineup in the late 1970's and early 1980's.
What made the Silver Bullets unique from the more traditional Ski-Doo's, like the 340 model pictured?
Old sled or new sled, why not take the family out snowmobiling before the end of the season?