Trial maps, top snowmobile trails, club contacts and other useful information you can use before planning a snowmobile trip to Yorkton, SK

Yorkton Hotshot photo
Yorkton is a favourite among Saskatchewan sledding destinations.Top 10 best places to snowmobile in Saskatchewan
SnoRiders presents a list of the top 10 best places to go snowmobiling in Saskatchewan
by Kirsten ArmlederA sampling of Yorkton’s sled scene
From ditch-banging to exploring wide open spaces, there are so many ways to embrace sledding in Yorkton.
by Danielle CameronWhere to get trail maps and trail passes in Yorkton, Saskatchewan
Where can I find a trail pass in Yorkton, Saskatchewan?
by Mason BuettnerSled to your bed in Yorkton
Yorkton has sled access to gas, food and accommodations, combined with 400 kilometres of maintained trails.
by Mason BuettnerMarking a milestone in Yorkton
The Yorkton Sno-Riders will mark 25 years as a snowmobile club in 2015.
by Kirsten ArmlederDealership recognized for service
Schrader Motors in Yorkton, Sask., received the SSA's 2013 Outstanding Snowmobile Dealership of the Year Award.
by Marie MilnerStart your season in Yorkton, Saskatchewan
Fresh powder and warm fires in friendly Yorkton means the best of both worlds.
by Karissa GallMiles and miles of well-groomed trails in Yorkton
Miles and miles of well-groomed trails in Yorkton
by Gail Jansen-KesslarInexperience is sometimes a laughing matter
In an effort to avoid damaging her new sled, Yorkton snowmobiler Jolene Kindiak accidentally flipped her sled upside down.
by Gail JansenFamily and friends make every day the best day ever
For Yorkton riders Paul Smolinski and Jolene Kindiak, the worst day of snowmobiling is still better than the best day of work.
by Gail JansenA big sledding culture
The Saskatchewan communities of Kelvington, Nipawin, Yorkton and Hudson Bay have lots to offer when it comes to snowmobiling.
Pulling out all the stops
Sheldon Alderton rips it up on a trip to Yorkton with his dad.