Haslett, MI, November 21, 2017: The snowmobile community is again holding the International Snowmobile Safety Week. This is the 25th year where the entire snowmobile community, including State and Provincial Snowmobile Associations, Visitors and Convention Bureaus, Chambers of Commerce, Snowmobile Clubs and local and state and provincial agencies join together to recognize the importance of safe, responsible snowmobiling. Many groups highlight safety week by holding various snowmobile safety training programs. All of the efforts concentrate the key position statements highlighted by the safety week efforts. Those key points include:
- Snowmobiling and alcohol don’t mix - Don’t drink and ride.
- Smart Riders are Safe Riders – Take a snowmobile safety training course.
- When night riding slow down – Expect the unexpected.
- Know before you go – Always check local ice conditions
- Cross with Care
- Know the risks and be prepared – Make every trip a round trip
- One is the loneliest number – Never ride alone.
- Ride safe, stay on the trail – Respect private property.
Snowmobiling is important to all local snowmobiling communities and therefore it is important to highlight that snowmobiling is a Fun Family Activity where we must keep safety as a top of mind awareness issue.
This year we are expanding our education that private landowners and public land managers deserve all snowmobilers respect. We highlight the need to protect land use privileges and to stay on the trail and if you don’t know – don’t go.
Snowmobile Clubs and Associations/Federations are encouraged to invite local representatives from the business community to go snowmobiling with them and show them our known, safe riding standards. There is information available from the ISMA Office to help support your efforts. That information includes: a 22-minute Safe Rider DVD, various posters highlighting safe responsible snowmobiling behavior, reflective decals for placement on helmets and/or snowmobiles with the Safe Riders! Logo and position statement, brochures with quick safety tips. You can visit the www.snowmobile.org website where you can view the Safe Riders! Video as well as any of the public Service Announcements available to use throughout your local media. There is also available to download the Safety Week Manual with ideas on how to set up a Safety Week event or get International Snowmobile Safety Week recognized in your community.
During your campaign activities, we encourage you to take photos and share them with others on our facebook page: www.facebook.com/GoSnowmobiling.