Snowmobiles, ATVs and dirt bikes all have one thing in common: they are tempting targets for thieves. Registration and insurance should give you some peace of mind, but even if it’s insured for theft, having your vehicle stolen is no fun—especially when it’s in the middle of the riding season.
Another way you can prevent your vehicle from being stolen is to invest in a GPS tracking device.
There are several devices on the market today, and Trackimo is a new-ish and fairly affordable option that’s available in Canada. This tiny device can be hidden just about anywhere on your vehicle and it will send you an instant notification via text or email if your vehicle is moved. If the thieves are successful, it will then track your vehicle anywhere in the world with an accuracy of 50 feet. Also equipped with an SOS button, Trackimo could be used on your rides as well, to notify loved ones back home of an emergency.
Trackimo runs off a built-in battery that has an activity time of 48 to 96 hours, but the unit is available with a hard-wired charge cable that will keep the battery full.
For more information, see the website.