We’ve had good snowmobile riding this February for a change, as the last few years have been a little shy on snow.
A small group showed up for the Take a Friend Snowmobiling ride on February 9, which went to Fish Lake and Bonneville Lake via Mt. Mac and back through Jackson Lake.
On February 23, James and a few friends went to Alligator Lake for a ride and some fishing. A few fish were caught and everyone had a good ride, including a few young ones and a family dog. They found some play areas on the way and made a fire to eat smokies at the lake. Sounds like a good spot for an organized ride next year, James!

James has worked hard to try and organize a few family ride outings and this year he is finally having some success. For the past couple of years, weather and snow conditions have not been great, but things are looking up this season!
K.S.A. Annual Dawson Overland Trail Group Ride
Coming up on March 7 is the Klondike Snowmobile Association’s Annual Dawson Overland Trail Group Ride. It’s a great ride but hasn’t been well attended in the last two years due to colder weather. This year will hopefully be much better. We have several people signed up to go. Be sure and get in on this one as it is a popular ride.
We will be departing from the Takhini River Road Staging Area at 8 a.m. (please be unloaded and ready to ride at 8, and if you need directions to the staging area you can contact us), having lunch at Braeburn Lodge, and returning to the staging area that evening. We will also be stopping for short breaks at several points of interest along the way. One-way Whitehorse to Braeburn is also an option—however, any riders doing that will have to make their own arrangements for getting themselves and their snowmobiles home. If you plan to do so, please indicate when you register. If desired, we can try to pair you up with any others doing the same.
The Klondike Snowmobile Association will lead the ride. All participants will be responsible for their own snowmobiles, gas, equipment, etc. Helmets and safe riding practices are mandatory for all K.S.A. rides.

Please keep in mind that this is a full day of riding on a class 5 remote wilderness trail that is approximately 200 kilometres round-trip.
This ride is free and everyone is welcome to come. In order for our volunteers to plan and for us to contact you if there are any last minute changes, pre-registration is required at least 24 hours prior to the ride. This ride, as always, is subject to adequate trail conditions and suitable weather on the day of, so please register with us prior to the ride and check this page the morning of the ride for updates.
If you have any questions, need directions, want to register, or have registered and want to cancel please contact the Klondike Snowmobile Association.