SnoRiders: SledTown ShowDown 2020—Help us choose the final SledTowns for this year’s contest

This week's issue highlights the early stages of SledTown ShowDown

Winter is coming . . .

Game of Thrones may be finished, but SnoRiders’ annual SledTown ShowDown is back! This epic snowmobiling saga enters its sixth season with more anticipation than the first snow day of the year.

Starting in December, we’ll be pitting the top snowmobiling destinations across the country against each other. As the weeks pass, the destinations are whittled down. In March, the town left standing in the final round will be crowned the 2020 SledTown ShowDown Champion of Canada. A trophy, bragging rights and advertising with SnoRiders ensue.

So, who shall be crowned on the Iron Throne in King’s Landing—that is to say—who should be named SledTown ShowDown champion? That’s up to you. Not only do you vote for your favourite SledTown, you get to nominate your unheralded destination of choice. Help us form the final bracket by picking your favourite destinations for British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.

Happy sledding!

SledTown ShowDown
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Help us choose the final SledTowns for this year’s contest [ READ MORE ]

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