Revelstoke, B.C., is a mecca for snowmobilers. The world-renowned winter getaway destination has some of the freshest powder and jaw-dropping scenery on the planet. The Revelstoke Snowmobile Club (RSC) takes its responsibility as stewards of the land seriously, promoting its pristine environment for all who come-a-braaapin’.
The main area to ride in Revelstoke is the routinely groomed 50-kilometre trail system on Boulder Mountain and Frisby Ridge.
“Our areas offer premiere snowmobile riding to our local club members, visiting members and guest riders from all over the world,” said Teena Rumak, general manager of the RSC. “The groomed trails access the vast, backcountry terrain and deep powder—providing something for everyone, whether you are a beginner or advanced rider.”

Boulder and Frisby staging areas are within city limits and only a 10-minute drive from the City Centre on Westside Road. Riders can plan their day by stopping at the Welcome Centre at the Boulder Mountain parking lot to check avalanche bulletins, pick up a map and learn more about sledding in Revelstoke.
“The RSC maintains a cabin in the alpine to warm up, eat lunch and talk about how many times you were stuck that day,” said Rumak.
The most popular trails on Frisby and Boulder offer stunning, panoramic views of Revelstoke and opportunities for breathtaking photography.
Boulder Mountain
The best trail on Boulder Mountain is the Veideman. It is named after Dusty Veideman, one of the first people to break trail into the snow-packed meadows on Boulder. The trail overlooks the city, and there is cell service to make reservations at your favourite eateries or to upload selfies to Instagram and Facebook. Don’t forget to tag the club @RevelstokeSnowmobileClub
Frisby Mountain
The best views of the city and the Revelstoke Dam are on McKay Way. The junction of McKay Way and Frisby Main has a sign reminding riders not to ride in planted cut-block areas.
“The local logging company has informed us that sledders are damaging the new growth by cutting off the tops of the trees with our tracks,” Rumak said. “We work very closely with our local foresters and need to maintain a good working relationship. Let’s be respectful of these areas and mindful of our impact on the environment.
“How you ride the trails makes a difference for preserving them. Riding at a steady and continuous speed will increase the longevity of our trails.
“Ride responsibly. Respect the mountain. Pack in, pack out trash. Protect and preserve our riding areas.”