On January 16, 2016, the Houston Snowmobile Club celebrated its SledTown designation for British Columbia and the club's shared win for the Western Canada designation. Over 75 people showed up at the club's Dungate cabin for a barbecue, sponsored by North Star Performance.
It was a little snowy but it wasn’t cold either. A lot of food was consumed and stories exchanged while others rode around the trails and meadows that the club maintains. The highlight of the day was when the club recognized three individuals with honorary memberships to the Houston Snowmobile Club.
On hand was Hank Buursema—one of the original founding members. Pete Bodnar and Melvin Haftner were recognized along with Buursema. The crowd cheered when the announcement was made.

2016 marks 45 years for the Houston Snowmobile Club, which today has spent a record plus-$150,000 on trails and cabin upgrades over the past 10 years. The club maintains three cabins and 200 kilometres of trails and it operates three groomers.
We would like to invite everyone to come out to Houston and check out some awesome snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and friendly people.
Thank you to all the people who voted for Houston and to Keith Powell and SnoRiders magazine for hosting and sponsoring the contest.