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Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Glen Rooks
Submitted January 12, 2019
Submitted By Shayne Kovich
Sicamous has its share of scenic sledding zones.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Shawn Schwengler
Submitted February 7, 2018
Submitted By Shawn Schwengler
Sicamous has everything a snowmobiler dreams of.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Ken Glabb
Submitted December 20, 2016
Submitted By Riley Pidherny
Snowmobilers enjoy the terrain at Eagle's Pass, near Sicamous.

Location Sicamous, B.C.
Photographer Wally Taylor
Submitted March 29, 2016
Submitted By Wally Taylor
Sicamous offers the kind of terrain that even professional snowmobilers covet.

Location Sicamous, B.C.
Photographer Wally Taylor
Submitted March 29, 2016
Submitted By Wally Taylor
Sicamous is home to some of the best sledders in Canada.

Location Sicamous, BC
Photographer Wally Taylor
Submitted March 29, 2016
Submitted By Grady McNaughton
Take the opportunity to sled in Sicamous - you won't be sorry.

Location Sicamous, B.C.
Photographer Wally Taylor
Submitted March 29, 2016
Submitted By Dustin Renne
Hitting the Sicamous powder will make your day.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Peter Brown
Submitted January 1, 2016
Submitted By Peter Brown
The Queest area near Sicamous is a great place to sled.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Jeff Taylor
Submitted March 12, 2015
Submitted By Jeff Taylor
The Sicamous trails are as awesome now as they were back in 2009 when this photo was taken.

Location Sicamous 2012
Photographer Jeff Taylor
Submitted March 12, 2015
Submitted By Jeff Taylor
Sicamous brings out the best in snowmobilers.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Jeff Taylor
Submitted March 12, 2015
Submitted By Jeff Taylor
Sicamous has no shortage of powder to play in during sledding season.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Photographer Jennifer Donovan
Submitted January 14, 2015
Submitted By Jennifer Donovan
Sicamous boasts amazing views.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Submitted February 18, 2014
Submitted By Brendon Fidek
A sledder named Riley, jumping his Arctic Cat on the trails near Sicamous.

Location Sicamous, British Columbia
Submitted February 18, 2014
Submitted By Brendon Fidek
Brendon Fidek took this shot of his cousin jumping his Arctic Cat in some great snow conditions.