2020 Best Sled Wrap Contest—Round 4: The Finals!
It’s all come down to this. SnoRiders’ 2020 Best Sled Wrap Contest has reached the finals! Thanks to an outpouring of support from our dedicated readers/voters (you), we’ve determined the top three sled wraps in Western Canada. One of the finalists will win the bronze, another the silver, and the most amazing sled skin of all will be awarded with the gold, which comes with a prize and the distinction of being the 2020 Best Sled Wrap Champion!
Want to see how we got here? Take a look at the Round 3 bracket (link to Round 3 bracket) to see how the voting played out in the third round.
Here are our finalists:
Chris Thiessen from Wide Open Throttle in Red Deer, Alberta.
Kadie McCallum in Prineville, Oregon.
Corey Dobransky from One Off Wraps in Fort Frances, Ontario.
Now that we know who’s involved in Round 4—The Finals, which sled will zoom past its competitors and claim the victory? Cast your vote and show your support for these rad rides.
Round 4 runs October 27 - November 8, 2020.
Here’s how the contest works: we start with 24 submitted sled wraps that go at it head-to-head. Each round lasts two weeks. Our readers (you) vote for their favourites and the sled wraps get whittled down. After Round 4, we’ll find out who has the finest sled wrap in Western Canada.
If you’d like to know how to install your own sled wrap, check out our start-to-finish instructions for a successful DIY sled wrap experience.
If you’re on our e-Newsletter list, you’ll also get SledTown ShowDown news, plus our best snowmobiling stories, each month. Not on the list? Sign up here.
The final matchup between the three finalists will be displayed here.