Michelle Dumaresq

Michelle Dumaresq spends the vast majority of her winters slaying powder throughout B.C.’s Shuswap region.

by Kirsten Armleder

A rider in a red jacket on a Ski-Doo.
Michelle Dumaresq is an adventurous rider who will send her sled over any jump or drop she can find. Corrisa Schurek photo

Name: Michelle Dumaresq

Lives in: Kamloops, B.C.

Hometown: Vancouver, B.C.

Age: 43

Sledding since: childhood

First sled: Arctic Cat Jag 340

Current sled: 2013 Ski-Doo REV-XM 163

What is your favourite riding area? That’s a tough one. I think Pokey (Pukeashun) has to be one of my favourites because it’s nice that the Grizzly Lodge is right there, the terrain is really good and there are a lot of days that you get in there and you don’t see many people . . . That is one of my favourites and then the other one with the steep and nasty would be Eagle Pass for sure—for when you want to scare yourself a little bit.

Describe your riding style: I’m a pretty aggressive rider. I’m adventurous. There aren’t many areas or things I won’t try. I’d call myself an adventurous rider.

What is it that keeps you coming back, year after year? Just the same thing that hooks everyone else: powder. There’s just nothing like cruising a sled, throttle pinned in deep powder and laying it on it’s side and carving through the trees. I could close my eyes right now and envision myself doing it. That’s the best thing ever. 

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